Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pictures (9/15/14) Dinosaur Licenses, Music for the Soul, and Santa Susana Sunrise:)

Thank you Grandpa Jordan for sending me these
Dinosaur Licenses from Utah!  These are the adorable kids
Sister X and I teach with their mother. They like
Dinosaurs so much and said 'This is the greatest gift ever' :)

Their mom also sent me this picture with me and them. 
The little boy is making his 'Dinosaur Face' :)

The Elders gave me some music because a few of the ones I
I bought at the Christen store didn't turn out, some were great. But they 
didn't think much of that music at all. Haha! As I mentioned in my letter we can 
not listen to regular music or the radio, but we are able to listen to music our 
Mission President approves, and one is Yanni, so Beautiful! 
(Papa I really like the Greek music at the Acropolis one!)

Yep that is the correct temperature, it's 102 degrees at the moment.
It was 106 yesterday! We appreciate the little breaks in the car with beautiful 
music, then back out to serve again. Don't worry mom I am drinking
lots of water! :)

Thank you Dad and Marci mom for the music! I was so happy
to get the Prince of Egypt music (One of my favorites! And we play it on 
Repeat. So happy it's approved listening music for us.) Good music has 
such a wonderful influence on us and helps us set an uplifting
mood and spirit all the time.

Beautiful Santa Susana Sunrise after the wonderful rain.
Almost seemed like fall with the sunlight making the trees
look orange in the morning and the air being crisp.
Then it went back to the 100+ degrees :)

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